

英语培训机构 admin 评论

话题:单词小课堂br /标题:常见英语习语及其意思,快来了解一下!br /br / 英语习语就像中国的成语后者俗语,很多都是非常有趣的,小编为大家整理了一些最常见的英语习语,大家可以试着掌握然后在一些场景运用起来。br /br /br /A hot potato 都在议论的话

话题:单词小课堂<br />标题:常见英语习语及其意思,快来了解一下!<br /><br /> 英语习语就像中国的成语后者俗语,很多都是非常有趣的,小编为大家整理了一些最常见的英语习语,大家可以试着掌握然后在一些场景运用起来。<br /><br /><br />A hot potato 都在议论的话题,而且通常是富有争议的<br />A penny for your thoughts 询问某人在想什么的一种方式 <br />Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩<br />Add insult to injury 更糟糕的是......<br />An arm and a leg 一大笔钱<br />At the drop of a hat 动不动就....<br />Back to the drawing board (失败后的)重起炉灶<br />Ball is in your court 下一步的决定或者行动取决于你<br />Barking up the wrong tree 找错了地方;冤枉了人<br />Be glad to see the back of 对于某人的离开感到非常高兴<br /><br />Beat around the bush 旁敲侧击<br />Best of both worlds 两全其美<br />Best thing since sliced bread 非常好的发明或者创新;好主意或好计划<br />Bite off more than you can chew 自不量力<br />Blessing in disguise 塞翁失马,焉知非福<br />Burn the midnight oil 熬夜<br />Can't judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人<br />Caught between two stools 难以抉择<br />Costs an arm and a leg 形容某种物品非常昂贵<br />Cross that bridge when you come to it 等到必要的时候,才去解决这个问题<br /><br />Cry over spilt milk悔恨莫及<br />Curiosity killed the cat 多管闲事就是自找麻烦<br />Cut corners 抄近路,图省事<br />Cut the mustard符合条件<br />Devil's Advocate 唱反调的人<br />Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched别高兴太早了<br />Don't give up the day job好眼下的工作(让某人不要追求不可能成功的事情)<br />Don't put all your eggs in one basket这句英语习语的意思是不要孤注一掷,不要把一切希望寄托在一件事上<br />Drastic times call for drastic measures当你极度绝望的时候,你需要采取激进的行动。<br />Elvis has left the building节目结束了<br /><br />Every cloud has a silver lining守得云开见月明<br />Far cry from远离<br />Feel a bit under the weather感觉有点不舒服<br />Give the benefit of the doubt相信某人的陈述,虽然没有证据<br />Hear it on the grapevine小道消息<br />Hit the nail on the head 一针见血<br />Hit the sack / sheets / hay睡觉<br />In the heat of the momen一时兴起<br />It takes two to tango一个巴掌拍不响<br />Jump on the bandwagon趋炎附势<br /><br />Keep something at bay阻止某事<br />Kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕<br />Last straw压死骆驼的最后一根稻草<br />Let sleeping dogs lie不要多事<br />Let the cat out of the bag这句英语习语表示狐狸露出了尾巴,真相大白<br />Make a long story short长话短说,打开天窗说亮话<br />Method to my madness一种断言,尽管一个人的方法看起来是随意的,但实际上是有结构的。<br />Miss the boat坐失良机<br />Not a spark of decency没有礼貌<br />Not playing with a full deck智力上有缺陷<br /><br />Off one's rocker精神错乱,精神失常<br />On the ball明智<br />Once in a blue moon抑郁寡欢<br />Picture paints a thousand words百闻不如一见<br />Piece of cake小菜一碟<br />Put wool over other people's eyes欺骗<br />Sit on the fence 坐观成败<br />Speak of the devil!说曹操,曹操到<br />Steal someone's thunder抢占风头<br />Take with a grain of salt不当回事<br /><br />Taste of your own medicine善有善报,恶有恶报<br />Whole nine yards应有尽有<br />Wouldn't be caught dead打死也不愿意<br />Your guess is as good as mine我也不知道<br /><br />以上就是一些常见的英语习语,大家平时在阅读英语文章的时候,也试着找到一些习语,做好积累,说不定哪天就能够运用起来。<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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