
你“学”“说”英语都没语言环境吗 看学Love the Clock如何破题

你“学”和“说”英语都没有语言环境吗?从Love the Clock看如何“学并学好”英语 Love the clock算是简单英语。不过,这是从“用”中文“学”英语角度看的。从用英语“学并学好”英语角度看就不见的“简单”了。相反,从”简单”英语里折射出我们“学并学好

你“学”和“说”英语都没有语言环境吗?从Love the Clock看如何“学并学好”英语

Love the clock算是简单英语。不过,这是从“用”中文“学”英语角度看的。从用英语“学并学好”英语角度看就不见的“简单”了。相反,从”简单”英语里折射出我们“学并学好”英语能力的缺失,及其补充与培养。

放弃、抛弃你的英译汉式“学”英语模式,从用英语“懂”英语视角What does Love the clock mean,你就有了“学”英语是时“有了英语语言环境”,“说”英语“用”英语同样“有了英语语言环境”。


Love the clock

People with bipolar disorder often do better when they’re on a schedule. Don’t fuss about 10 minutes here and there. But encourage your loved one to stick to a bedtime and wakeup time each day, even on weekends. For instance, Last and Rubin leave events early so that Last can stick to her bedtime.

Work, meals, and group get-togethers are other things to plan ahead.


1.如果你见到Love the clock,你想都不想,上来就是一句中文:爱上钟,那么,你的英语“完蛋”了。

我们是用我们后面读到的英语“理解”,“读懂”英语Okay.I got you.Love the clock,也同时给我们“说”英语的机会:

2.People with bipolar disorder often do better when they’re on a schedule:

Okay.I got you.When you say Love the clock,you mean you should do something on a schedule,should do it on a well-planned way.You must do this at one o'clock.You must do that at two o'clock,etc.You must plan everything before you do them.You must follow a good plan.


3.Don’t fuss about 10 minutes here and there:

Okay.I got you.If you love the clock,you will not fuss 10 minutes here and there.

Haha,to fuss some time,to waste your tine doing nothing at all,to kill time for nothing.I got you.Next time when I'm saying Don't waste your time,I'll say Don't fuss your time here.


4.Well,to love the clock means to stick to a bedtime and wakeup time each day, even on weekends.

And last but not least,if you love the clock,your work,your meals,etc.are to be planned ahead.

你看,我这里没有一丁点“汉译英”式“说”英语,也没有“参和”半点中文来理解和才能理解英语love the clock,全是“用英语理解英语”。十年半年“学并学好”英语能如此,复何求?


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