近日,一部《我在他乡挺好的》的电视剧颇受好评,讲述了四位女性北漂的奋斗史,非常真实,有代入感。她们代表了一类人群,这类人群被称为“北漂族”,“北漂族”英语翻译为“Beijing drifters”。 《我在他乡挺好的》里面有一些让人印象深刻的台词,小编整理
近日,一部《我在他乡挺好的》的电视剧颇受好评,讲述了四位女性北漂的奋斗史,非常真实,有代入感。她们代表了一类人群,这类人群被称为“北漂族”,“北漂族”英语翻译为“Beijing drifters”。
The reason to leave, we may be able to find many reasons to stay, in fact, one is enough.
有的时候,真的不能指望别人可以理解你的委屈 。感同身受 ,在这个世界上是不存在的 。
Sometimes, you really can't expect others to understand your grievances. Empathy does not exist in this world.
谁都想过轻松的日子 ,那就为自己的选择买单吧 !
Everyone wants to live an easy life, so pay for your choice.
管好自己就是对别人最大的善意 。
To take care of yourself is the greatest kindness to others.
安全感是什么 ?是你努力为自己筑起的高高的围墙 ,是无论多晚回家 ,都为你亮着的那盏灯 ,还是银行卡那一串缓慢增长的数字呢?
What is a sense of security? Is it the high wall you try to build for yourself, the light that lights up for you no matter how late you come home, or the slow-growing number of bank cards?
你是一个人来的吧 你最终也会一个人走!
You came alone, right? you'll go alone eventually!
一群志同道合的伙伴 ,一份美好甜蜜的爱情 ,也可能是一个只属于自己的夜晚 ,就是这些平凡而美好的东西 ,支撑着我们一次次穿越风浪 去遇见更美的风景 。
A group of like-minded companions, a beautiful and sweet love, may also be a night that only belongs to ourselves, it is these ordinary and beautiful things that support us to cross the wind and waves again and again to meet a more beautiful scenery.