那是我们的home,还是我们的house? 我们习惯了“用”中文,“说”中文来做英语“同义词辨析”,这无可厚非,甚至是“没有办法”的事。只是这样做也就意味着我们的“损失”蛮大:我们的英语运用能力就得不到训练,毕竟能说英语才是我们要的东西。 比如,英语
1. What's the difference between a house and a home?
2. Well,the definition(=means the meaning) of a house is: It's a building in which(=meaning where) we live or our family lives.
3. Well, the meaning(the definition) of a home is: It's a house or apartment where(in which) we live or our family lives.
口语:Okay.A house is a building,a building,也就是a structure,也就是bricks,砖头啦,mortar(mor-tar),泥浆啦etc.,very concrete,非常具体的东西。
4. So,a house is concrete,very concrete,as concrete as a building in which someone lives.
5. Well, a home can either be a building ,just like a house(So,we can say:This is my house,or this is my home.We buy a new home ,or buy a new house), or be any(ANY) location=any place that we think of as where we live and where we belong and that belongs to us.
So,a home can be a house or an apartment, just like a house,but it could also be a tent(帐篷), a boat, or an underground cave(地下洞穴).
Why? Because it is where we BELONG,and that belongs to us,where we feel warm and warmth and most comfortable,comfortable,comfortable(com-fort-able).
Example:He lived in the street for three months,and his HOME is a cardboard box(纸箱子).
这就是他的home,不是他的house,尽管他都lives in there.
6. A home can even be something abstract(抽象的), a place in our mind(是in our mind哟).
So, we say:Let’s go home,meaning the special place in our mind and where we feel warm and warmth and most comfortable and that belongs to us.
我们既用英语理解了home和house的基本区别(而且万变不离其宗),又同时用英语训练了我们的英语口语:Killing two birds with one stone吧。其它的暂时放一放。
I hope this helps.